viernes, marzo 03, 2006

El Gran Placer De La Música

La vida esta llena de placeres y uno de los que yo más disfruto es de la música.

Todos tenemos una canción que nos recuerda momentos y personas, que hace florecer nuestras emociones y sentimientos, esas canciones que forman parte de la banda sonora de nuestra vida y que nos acompañan siempre.

Aquí los dejo con una de esas canciones, que me recuerda mis pérdidas, mis dolores y los regalos que muchas personas antes de marchar dejaron en mi alma.

If You’re Gone
Matchbox Twenty - Mad Season

I think I’ve already lost you
I think you’re already gone
I think I’m finally scared now
You think I’m weak, I think you’re wrong
I think you’re already leaving
Feels like your hand is on the door
I thought this place was an empire
Now I’m relaxed, I can’t be sure
I think you’re so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need this in my life
I think I’m scared
I think too much
I know it’s wrong; it’s a problem I’m dealing

If you’re gone, maybe it’s time to come home
There’s an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you’re gone, baby you need to come home, oh come home
There’s a little bit of something me
In everything in you

I bet you’re hard to get over
I bet the room just won’t shine
I bet my hands I can stay here
I bet you need, more than you mind

I think you’re so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need this in my life
I think I’m just scared that I know too much
I can’t relate and that’s a problem I’m feeling

If you’re gone, maybe it’s time to come home
There’s an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you’re gone, baby you need to come home
There’s a little bit of something me
In everything in you

I think you’re so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need this in my life and
I think I’m scared
Do I talk too much?
I know it’s wrong; it’s a problem I’m dealing

If you’re gone, maybe it’s time to come home
There’s an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you’re gone, hell baby you need to come home
There’s a little bit of something me
In everything in you

Ahora los invito a que se recuesten en su cama y escuchen esa canción que les remece el alma. Siempre es bueno recordar y hacer un break en este loco mundo que nos obliga a correr y a dejar de ocuparnos de lo que sentimos.